Madison High School Student/Parent Handbook

James Madison High School

Student/Parent Handbook


Madison Logo

2023-2024 School Year

This publication includes policies of which parents and students should be aware. It is our belief that these school policies create a safe, educational environment for all Madison Warhawks. We expect all students and families to understand and adhere to these policies to ensure a thriving school community that meets the needs of all students.

James Madison High School

4833 Doliva Drive

San Diego, CA 9211703299

Phone: 858-536-0336


To prepare students to be 21st century global citizens by establishing a positive trajectory for success through a rigorous curriculum and a comprehensive educational experience.


The vision of James Madison High School is to provide opportunities for students to demonstrate excellence, leadership, postsecondary readiness, and a full understanding of their responsibility to impact social justice through formative learning experiences.


Schoolwide Learner Outcomes (SLOs) clarify for the entire school community what students will know, understand and be able to do as they prepare to graduate from high school.

Excellence: To surpass others or be superior in some respect or area; to do extremely well in academic, extracurricular and co-curricular participation.

Social Justice: The distribution of advantages and disadvantages within a society, consisting of equity, inclusion, cultural awareness and advocacy.

Leadership: The ability to guide or influence others within the school and the community.

Readiness: The state of being ready or prepared, as for use or action in postsecondary, college, career and the 21st century workplace.

An Official Warhawk Welcome

Principal's Welcome

Welcome to James Madison High School. Parents, students and staff play an important part within the Warhawk family. The school year is filled with educational opportunities, access to support and enrichment, and involvement by all the stakeholders. Your student's academic and personal development is our foremost concern. We believe that James Madison High School graduates should not only be college-bound, but college-and career-ready. As parents, you are the first and most enduring teachers in your student's life. There are many steps you can take to support your student's learning. Below are some key actions that will help ensure your student has everything needed to succeed:

  • Track Progress Toward Graduation: It is never too early to make sure your student is on-track to graduate. You can do this by studying the graduation requirements, talking with your student's teachers and counselors, visiting PowerSchool, and reviewing your student's scores on standardized assessments.
  • Ensure Regular Attendance: Studies show that attendance influences graduation rates more than any other factor. As parents, you can promote academic success by talking with your student about the importance of regular attendance and making sure your student is in class every day, ready to learn.
  • Update Emergency Contact Information: We are responsible for keeping your student safe during the school day and keeping you informed about your student's education. We need to be able to reach you if there is an emergency, if your student is absent from school, or if there is other important information to share.

We hope you find the information and resources in the Student/Parent Handbook useful. We look forward to continuing to work together to help all students thrive.

Wishing you a wonderful school year!

Fred Hilgers, Principal 

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