Madison High School supports effective programs for English Learners (ELs). We offer a "sheltered" English 3/4 course, and ALD 2 (Academic Language Development) as an acceleration elective. Our English Learner program provides direct student services and student supports to accelerate the language and academic development including:
o Teaching and supporting implementation of instructional programs for English Learners including SEI, MEC, and an ESL 1-6 classroom.
o Administering CELDT (California English Language Development Test) and other Language Assessments
o Supporting implementation of English Language Development instruction (ELD), QTEL and SDAIE strategies in content areas to access Core Curriculum
o Providing support for EL State and Federal compliance requirements, and procedures.
o Assisting with English Learner program articulation and placement.
o Delivering and monitoring professional development for English Learners.
o Monitoring students' progress and reclassifying students as English Proficient (Reclassified Fluent English Proficient)
The English Learner department also coordinates and provides assistance to parent committees, including our school site-based English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) and the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC). We have an active ELAC committee and encourage parents to be involved.
Updated September 1, 2016