Citizenship Rubric

Madison High School Citizenship Rubric




The objective of this rubric is to help streamline how teachers at Madison High School assign consistent Citizenship grades. The intention is that students will be given their citizenship grades by landing in two of the three categories associated with each letter. 


Overall Preparedness and Effort

Social Behavior

Class Participation



Helpful without Direction

I am consistently prepared and on time for class. 

I consistently show sincere effort in class.

I do not receive reminders 

for my behavior. 

I consistently participate in all class activities.


Meets expectations

Helpful with Direction

I am usually prepared and on time for class.

I frequently show sincere effort in class. 

I rarely receive reminders, 

but I respectfully redirect my behavior when I do. 

I usually participate in class activities.



Hinder Myself

I am often not prepared or on time for class. 

I do not put forth effort in class unless prompted.

I have received regular reminders (during this grading period) and sometimes do not redirect behavior. 

I occasionally participate in class activities.



Hinder Myself and Others

I am regularly not prepared or on time for class.

I put forth little to no effort in class. 

I have received frequent reminders (during this grading period) and have not taken appropriate steps to correct my behavior or repair relationships.

I rarely or never participate in class activities and keep

others from completing their tasks in class. 

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